Nice work of the student Gaia Gorelli for the 3D Rendering exam of Prof. NiccolĆ² Poggi of the Interior Design course.
The project, named Just Breathe, involves the design of a temporary shop within which lighting elements powered by alternative energy are displayed. The aim is to communicate a message: the product itself becomes a social and cultural initiative, raising awareness of the community towards environmental issues.
Promote, through greater knowledge of the problem and its possible solutions, the adoption of a specific behavior.
Abandoning or changing harmful lifestyles in favor of healthier habits.
Induce to take concrete action within a specific period of time, encouraging certain choices.
Changing deeply rooted opinions on certain issues or situations.
The Just Breathe – Temporary Shop project is dedicated to this particular historical period in which the main topic of discussion is the difficult, and often conflicting, relationship between man and the environment. The modern economic system too often provides for the need to exploit resources, transforming the surrounding environment in an excessive way. In this exchange, a net imbalance is created within which man exploits the raw materials available in an irresponsible way, releasing gas, industrial waste, waste and pollutants into the ecosystem. The direct consequence of this imbalance has led to direct consequences on the planet such as global warming, pollution and climate change. Gaia Gorelli’s work implements a constructive critical approach to a precarious sustainability condition.
“Education for sustainable development today becomes a strategic objective for the present and the future of our country. The environmental challenge, linked to the conservation of our planet’s resources, represents a challenge that cannot be eluded for future generations. an era that imposes on the whole world, but in particular on Italy and Europe, choices radically different from those made in the past: far from the traditional production model, directed towards a new model of economy that respects the environment, oriented towards a society that does not produce waste but knows how to create wealth and well-being through the reuse and regeneration of resources. For this to happen, a profound change of mentality is necessary that involves institutions, companies and individuals. ” – Gaia Gorelli