The storytellingĀ in a movie can be done with different kind of stylistic languages. From a technical point of view it is interesting to investigate the appearance of scenesĀ editing. Specifically weĀ are writingĀ here about two editingĀ typologies that are used to give strength to the story, that areĀ alternatingĀ and parallel.
AlternatingĀ editing is the temporal arrangement of alternating shots. The different shots tell of two or more events taking place simultaneously and in different places that are destined to converge. Imagine the scene of a chase between two cars: the first car will have an advantage of “position” on the scene a few meters. Closeups of two cars take turns until they reach a uniqueĀ space at a given time.
GriffithĀ in movie “Birth of a Nation” used this method.
The parallel editingĀ instead, is usefulĀ to bring out a meaning from a comparison of different actions. At the same time here, it is not necessary and the individualsĀ continue on their way out of parallel lines that never meet. The combination of events is so symbolic. The contrast between goodness and evil, between poverty and wealth is excited through this way of editing.
The movie reference here isĀ “Battleship Potemkin, Strikeā ofĀ Eisenstein.