
Aiming to a high quality digital communication project


A series of meetings held by prof. Enrico Bisenzi (teacher and professional consultant on Ā digital accessibility, usability, availability and organization of digital information issues) will be held at LABA on monday morning from FebruaryĀ 29 to March 28, 2016.

Here are the details of the five training days:

1) Outlining communication project’s goals.

The analytical procedure outlining decision-making and strategic direction is the most important one to understand reasons and implementation of a communication project.

Exercise: Students will be divided into two distinct entities… those that simulate customers and those that will simulate the designers of a Web site creating an opportunity useful to understand the real needs of multimedia design also by a business point of view.

2) Design general guidelines and specific communication goals.

There are general principles of digital design but also the need to adapt themselves to very specific communication goals.

Exercise: Students will join in groups able to independently set a design of a website through the management of a free creation of web spaces like WordPress or Altervista according to the specific communication goals identified during the first step.

3) Contents for high quality communication projects.

‘Content is the King’ is the main rule to package books, audio and video to the best of their ambitions and communication in compliance with the requirements of accessibility and usability of end-users and the needs of cross-cultural communication (localization), social sharing needs and search engines visibility.

Exercise: Students will try to enhance the setting of the design carried out in the second step trying to expand their optimized content template for an effective communication strategy.

4) Monitoring the activity of a website.

All the tools useful to monitor and analyse the proper functioning of a website in order to figure out how many and which users navigate the Web site and measure the relevant degree of satisfaction.

Exercise: students should be able to install the analytical tools on the Web site developed in the previous steps.

5) What about our goal?

how to read analytic reports in order to outline whether we have reached the communication goals previously identified.

Exercise: Students should check properly whether the targets identified during the first step have been achieved by reading the technical reports and analytical available as a result of the fourth step.

Meeting with Salvatore Ferragamo: Design, Ideas, Models, Invention
LABA inaugurates the exhibition "NOI" at CaffĆØ Michelangelo